01 What Does it Do?
Real-time, high-performance, automatic DDoS attack protection, on-premises and in the cloud, with comprehensive visibility, analytics, and reporting.
02 Why do I need it?
Revenue Protection.
Fast-Acting, Low-Latency, Protection to Keep Your Customers' Services Online.
Maintain business continuity in the face of increasingly frequent, and often indiscriminate, attacks.
Real-Time Protection, Comprehensive Visibility, Automatic & Accurate, and Highly Scalable.
03 GRC & Controls
04 Why CORERO ?
- Downtime prevented: up to 20x faster protection than other DDoS solutions.
- Operator intervention virtually eliminated: over 98% of attacks mitigated automatically.
- Real-time services protected: up to 50x lower latency than on-demand solutions.
- Simplified Protection.
- Flexible Deployment.